Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thought for the day 26th of April 2011

I never really look for anything. What God throws my way comes. I wake up in the morning and whichever way God turns my feet, I go” by Pearl Bailey.

I agree with most of quotations that I present in my blog posts. This is one of the few that I would not agree with. Of course, you can practice this kind of attitude and live like that, but I am not sure if you are going to achieve something that you want to achieve. In fact, you would never plan anything if you have this kind of attitude, because ‘God’ has planned everything on your behalf. I don’t believe He has. 

Theologians usually distinguish two kinds of God’s will: perfect and permissible. If you are after a perfect will you can be sure that when you are in it, all the best that there can be happens in your life. It takes time, patience, and willingness on your part to know this will of God for it to be fulfilled. There can be a lot of things on the way till you get to this kind of living, but it is worthwhile trying. 

Permissive will of God is something that is far from being perfect. I am convinced that the majority part of the world is living in this kind of will. In fact, you don’t have to do anything to live in it. Just follow the attitude that is expressed in the quote in the beginning of the post and you will be living in this type of will. Anything can happen to you in this kind of situation. It is not because God wills this, but because you do not care to seek for His perfect will. So, He allows many things to happen in your life. 

To tell the truth, most of it is simply the law of attraction in power: negative thoughts attract negative things and that’s it. If you looked at the nature that God created you would see that God created all of it for our enjoyment. There is nothing in creation that was meant to harm you in any way. It is due to the fall into sin that those bad things came into being. However, God provided us a way out of them. I do not know about you but I believe that Jesus Christ was meant to be the way to God out of all our sins. He is the path that leads to the perfect will of God. Pray for the perfect will of God to be in your life. Don’t be satisfied with what happens now. Don’t give up if you don’t see fast results. They will come. 

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