Beautiful thoughts is the topic of the post on the blog ‘Thought for the day’ today. I hope you will enjoy the compilation of the thoughts you are about to read. Today you won’t get many of them, but the post will be updated, so it will be much longer in the nearest future. God bless you as you read these quotes and some notes of mine on them.
“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results” by Winston Churchill.
You have to be practical and cannot walk in the skies. Test your strategy for your business, life and etc. If it does not work you have to modify something.
“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” by Helen Keller.
I do agree with the thought. If you have been reading my blog you should know by now that I believe that there is God Almighty who created heavens and earth. He created everything that your eyes see and if after death you enter His paradise you shall see the most beautiful things that your imagination is not capable to comprehend now. You can only believe and sense it with your spiritual senses.
“Nothing can happen more beautiful than death” by Walt Whitman.
Death is not beautiful in itself, but if after death you are coming back to your Creator, than nothing can be more beautiful. If you are not, than better live as long as is possible and make peace with Him during your life.
“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us” by Martin Luther.
Music is a pretty powerful spiritual tool. It can be used for both good and bad. If it arouses your passions, egoism, aggression and etc. it will never be good, but if it helps you to see your purpose in life and motivates you to go on, it serves you good. I also enjoy music that praises God for what He has done in our lives. This makes my soul go up.
“To rise from error to truth is rare and beautiful” by Victor Hugo.
It really is! There are lots of erroneous paths that will lead you not to life, but to spiritual death. You have to get rid of the error and to see the truth. That is the most awesome thing that can happen to you.
I hope you enjoyed the beautiful thoughts.
See also:
Happy thoughts
Thoughts on friendship
Thoughts on success
Random thoughts
Positive thoughts
Thought provoking questions