Monday, September 26, 2011

Thought for the day 26th of September 2011

„...neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our LordRomans 8:39.

I know that God’s love for us much bigger than we can imagine. We often try to decide how much He loves us based on how much of His love we feel. However, our feelings are some of the most unstable things and a very bad way to determine whether God loves us or not. The best way to see His love is to understand that He gave His Son for you and me. That’s how the depth of His love is shown to us.

So, do not trust your feelings. In good times they may be telling you one thing, in bad times you have to believe in God’s love. I am so glad that nothing can separate us from Him. Well, there is one thing. It is our sins. If we do not confess them and continue living in them. But if they are confessed, they are forgiven and there are no barriers between us and Him. So, rejoice for you are acceptable to God. 

See also: