Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thought for the day 11th of September 2011

At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?Mark 15:33-34

Can you imagine why Jesus was saying these words? It is really difficult to comprehend why God left a righteous person (His Son and the same God Almighty) alone to die from the hands of the Romans and religious teachers of Israel of those times. There was a plan of God to deliver the mankind from the oppression of Satan and sin. 

I told you yesterday that sin is the thing that destroys us from inside and separates us from God. Sin also deserves righteous judgment of God. However, I have some good news for you today. That judgment fell on Jesus Christ – the Son of God, so that you and I would not be judged and condemned. Jesus took what we deserve and gave us what He deserves. 

He took all of our shame and curses, and sins and diseases and all the consequences for sin so that you and I would get righteous status in the eyes of God, peace, forgiveness of sin, healing and all possible blessings of God. Wow! What a privilege! I am so happy about it. No other teacher died for his disciples and followers to bring them into unity with God. Jesus did it. And you can accept the gift by asking God for forgiveness and remission of sins. 

God bless you and have a nice new week. Remember, the best is yet to come. 

See also:
