How do you become righteous before God? Answering this question is no less important than answering the question about your mission in this life. In fact, you cannot really have the latter without the former. In order to get and understand your call from God, you need to get right with Him. You should know that you can stand before God and do not feel any guilt and condemnation. How is that possible?
Before sinning Adam and Eve were righteous in the eyes of God. There was no sin and they were clothed in God’s presence. When they sinned they lost everything: holiness, power, freedom, joy, love and righteousness. They were pronounced guilty by God. Although God is all powerful and merciful, He is also just. One cannot come with sin in His presence. Sin has to be removed. How?
There had to be a righteous person who could accept all the guilt of ours by dying for us. Was there such a person? Yes, but only one. Jesus Christ, the Son of God decided to give His own righteousness to us by dying for our sins and brining us back into communion with God. No good deeds, prayers and anything you can do, would give you a right position before God. You have to accept His way to stand right and sinless in the eyes of God. By repenting of your sins and believing in His sacrifice on the cross you get the righteousness of Christ and can come to God’s presence without shame and guilt.
After accepting the gift of salvation you will no longer feel the burden of guilt, condemnation and inferiority. Understanding that you have become righteous before God through Jesus Christ has tremendous power. It gives you great faith, that now your prayers are going to be answered and you can ask God with great conviction that your prayers will be heard and answer will surely come.
If you want to get this right position with God I would encourage you to reconcile with God by praying this prayer:
God I understand that I am a sinner. I was born with sin and cannot do anything myself to get rid of it. However, I believe that your Son Jesus Christ did everything on my behalf by dying on the cross and now I repent of my sins and believe that He is the way to you, the truth that sets me free and the eternal life that I can experience from this moment on.
Jesus, change my nature and give me your righteousness. Be my Lord and Savior.
Thank you for answering my prayer.
I believe that sincere prayer from your heart to God can change you from inside out and make you a new person. If you want to follow Jesus and be His disciple I would encourage you to find a Bible believing church and start attending it. God bless you.
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