Wednesday, August 31, 2011

God does not change

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadowsJames 1:17

The topic of the post on the blog ‘Christian thought for the day’ is about immutability of God. God does not change! He is probably the only being in the universe that has never changed. All of us undergo various changes. We change our opinions, beliefs, attitudes and etc. It’s us people. If we change from bad to good, it is very well, but if we go from bad to worse there is nothing good about it. We have to accept God type of thoughts in order to become like He is. His thoughts and words give stability for us and enable us to develop God type of character.

The knowledge about immutability of God allows us to build our faith on a solid ground. If he changed His thoughts daily we could never be sure what He is like and what can come to His mind and whether He would say one thing one day and a completely different thing another day. That would be hypocrisy and God is not a hypocrite. We usually are! We need to get rid of our compromises and look more to God in order to become such as He is. 

The good news about Him being immutable is that He is good and all good things come from Him. He is holy, but He is also good. When you are able to combine these two things you will have a healthy balance in life and have good chances of becoming a strong and stable personality. If you accept God’s thoughts you become like Him. I hope you see what I mean. God bless you.

See also:


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Idle words

But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spokenMatthew 12:36

Idle words is the topic of the post on the blog ‘Thought for the day’ today. Words are very important. They and our thoughts give direction to our lives. If one has some kind of thought in his mind, it does not mean anything yet. The thought has to stay long enough in your mind in order to start shaping you or leading you one way or another. A word or words are usually fruits of your thoughts and they do carry power. 

If our thoughts are full of vanity, this is reflected in our words. We charge our words with negative energy which starts destroying our or other people lives. Set a guardian angel at your lips so that you would not speak anything that harms and brings damage. I would encourage you to study your words in order to learn what kind of thoughts you have. If you notice something that you do not like, start reshaping your thoughts and giving a completely different direction for your words. 

You see, God will judge us according to our words. So, we have to be very careful what kind of things come out of our mouths. Words are not just words. They are psychological and spiritual bodies full of some kind of substance. What kind of substance? Substance according to their nature! Let your thoughts be directed by love, joy, patience and other God’s qualities and your words will go in the same direction. Let me leave you today with these words: change your thoughts and you will change your words. Those two will change your character and your life. God bless you in your attempts of changing yourself. 

See also:

False hope

Monday, August 29, 2011


So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal2 Corinthians 4:18

Today topic of the post on the blog ‘Thought of the day’ is on things that cannot be seen. Invisible reality is far important that the one that we can see. Why? Because the visible things originated form invisible things. God, who is invisible spoke a word and the earth with all of its’ visible objects came into being. You may not believe it, but the Bible tells us so and I have no reason to doubt it. 

It always is that way. Thoughts are invisible but they are the blocks that we build our lives on. We think and only then we do. This pattern of visible following invisible can be seen everywhere. All the greatest inventions started in somebody’s head as an invisible thought and it often took a lot of time for those things to materialize. So, be sure that you know the origin of things and how to apply it in practical life. How can you do it? By believing in what your mind sees and working patiently so that those things would come to pass. Good luck.

See also:

Quotes about patience

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thought for the day 26th of August 2011

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faintIsaiah 40:29-31.

Everybody of us gets tired from time to time. I mean the tiredness of your soul, not of your body. If you get tired physically, you just sleep longer a few days, eat better and have more of fresh air. But when your soul gets tired you will not refresh it by just sleeping and eating well. Soul does not regain strength by doing that. 

You need strength that comes from the right spiritual source. The best source I know is God Almighty. He, by means of His spirit can strengthen you. God is never tired and He shares his power with those who wait on him. So, if you are tired today, go to your prayer closet, get down on your knees and pray. Wait for his Spirit to strengthen you and He will not disappoint you. And you will regain your strength!

Hope the spiritual thought for the day encouraged you.

See also:


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thought for the day 25th of August 2011

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the ageMatthew 28:18-20.

Jesus gave his disciples a wonderful promise. He promised to be with them till the end of the world. It is so good to know that you are not alone when you are up to the ears in your problems and trials and the going on forward gets tough. If you believe in Him you can be sure of one the fact that He is with you. 

Some parents leave their children, friends leave their friends, husbands leave wives and wives leave their husbands. However, you should have no doubt that Jesus will never leave you. If you have put your trust in Him, He is always there with you to help you overcome any difficulty you are experiencing in your life. God bless you. You are not alone. 

See also:

Some good thoughts

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

False hope

This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORDJeremiah 23:16

Hope is one of the most powerful qualities that one can have. One needs it daily. All of us face extremely difficult situations from time to time and without the thing we will not be able to look to the future and expect good things. It changes us and softens our hearts. Love comes to your heart when you have hope. 

However, there is also a false hope. It is built on the wrong foundation and very often on lies rather than the truth. Truth is the right foundation for right expectations. Wishful thinking is your enemy and it will never give you a firm foundation for what you expect to happen. Do not deceive yourself. If you cherish positive thinking, build it on the right foundation. Truth and invisible reality is the best foundation for your faith and your hope. Lies and wishful thinking would be foundation for doubting and false hoping. 

You do not ignore reality when you want to build the right foundation. However, you also do not fully accept it as an absolute truth. We know that there is visible and there also is invisible reality. If you understand that, you will be able to avoid all false expectations and base your desires on something that is very stable. Personally, I see the word of God, the Bible as the most stable foundation for your hope and an antidote for any false hope. 

The word of God will reveal all lies that are in your mind if you read it carefully and help you to form the truths that will be the best foundation for your glorious future. When a person watches television or reads colorful magazines and those things are the sources for his/her dreams, he/she will inevitably form the wrong type of dreams. Why? Because these things often generate lusts inside of us rather than forming sound positive expectations! Bible will do the opposite thing. It will remove all false hopes and show you your wonderful future. 

I hope the post helped you to see between what is right and wrong in terms of hoping. God bless you.

See also:

Positive attitude

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thought for the day 21st of August 2011

But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sinsJohn 8:23-24

I do not know whether you grasp what Jesus is talking here or not, but I might drop a few thoughts on the topic. What is that being from ‘below’ and what is that being from ‘above’? That is the way of thinking. If your thoughts are the same as the general mass has you will definitely be from below. Sin bound mentality puts any person to the group of from ‘below’. Human thoughts have their origin in sinful nature. This kind of thinking will hardly have hope for the future or hope for the change of character.

One needs to get power that is stronger than our fallen human nature is. If you want to be from above and think the thoughts from ‘above’ your nature has to change. God has to clean away sin that is in you. How is that done? When you repent of your sins and believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That is the way that you can become a person from ‘above’ and have the thoughts that are from above. 

You cannot follow human philosophy and have thoughts that are from above. Most of them come from below. It is natural, because they come from our fallen human nature and it is natural to think according to your nature. Is it possible to change our nature? Not for us. We can change our thoughts, but not nature. There has to be a greater power than we have to change us from inside out and that is the power of God. Trust it, believe it and pray to God that He would change your nature. You will not recognize yourself after the change takes place. Pray to Jesus for the change to happen. God bless you.

See also:

Letting go quotes and sayings

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thought for the day 20th of August 2011

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus1Thessalonians 5:18

God expects gratitude from you. You are alive because He is gracious and merciful for you. If you are a talented person, you can be sure of one thing, He gave you those talents. Another person has fewer talents because he got less. Everything that we have can be developed, but we should never forget the source of all the blessings that we have. Don’t look around at those who have more and be jealous. Use what God has given you.

And do look at those who have less and be arrogant. Gifts we have were not meant for us to be proud of, but grateful for. One day we will leave this world and we will take nothing with us, neither talents, nor money, nor any other thing. Be wise and live with a grateful heart today and the blessings that you have will increase. After all, real life, joy and love start from within and are finally expressed without. Learn to be thankful to God. It does not matter in what circumstances you live. 

Maybe you think that you do not have anything to thank God for. This is because you do not believe He is or you look too much around at people who live better than you do. However, you should never forget that the winner is not the person who dies with most toys. The winner is the person who is able to enjoy life and cherish gratitude in his heart under all circumstances. Let Jesus strengthen you in your attempts to live a life that is full of joy and gratitude. Do your own part and He will do His. God bless you. 

See also:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thought for the day 18th of August 2011

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;John 11:25

What a wonderful hope! I often ask people: “What do you think happens when you die?” A lot of people in my society do not believe anything happens. They think that their bodies just rot away and that is the end of the story. What a pitiful ending! I do not believe it. I believe life continues. To tell the truth, I believe eternal life or eternal death start. For some it is eternal life, for some eternal death. 

I am not attacking anybody here; I am just stating the fact written in the Bible. Your existence will continue when you die. But in what form? There is no eternal life without Jesus. If you want to live forever you have to make Him your Lord and Savior. Our bodies will die and our souls will leave this earth and will travel to their eternal destination. We have to be resurrected from eternal death here in this earth, so that we would not have to continue in eternal damnation beyond this life. I know only one person that can resurrect you and that is Jesus. Pray to Him, believe in Him and you will have eternal life. 

See also: