“5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning” Psalm 30:5.
If you are sorrowful today, do not despair, God knows about it. He has also prepared a way out from your situation. Trials and difficulties naturally cause us to suffer and be sad, but you should not give in to your sadness. Even if you have given in, do not lose hope that better times are coming. Expect much better things in the morning.
Start each day as if there has never been the situation that makes you sad. Allow God to comfort you. He always has a solution to any problem we might have. You must believe it. There will always be some bad days in your life, but it likewise should be a lot more better days in your live than bad ones. Why? Because God’s favor lasts for a lifetime! If you have sinned you can ask Him to forgive you. Do not stay under a sense of guilt for too long. Be assured that He has forgiven you and you can live without guilt. Go and rejoice!
See also: