Best life quotes is the topic of the post on the blog ‘Thought for the day’ today. You have probably noticed how I enjoy writing posts on quotes and making my comments about them. This post is going to be updated from time to time and I will try to select best quotes about life in it. The quotes are meant to encourage, inspire and motivate you to go after your targets, goals and dreams. A few will have my comments attached to them, but others won't. I hope you will find them really useful.
Most probably you can only fear a spineless crowd that has some formless principles and no individuality. You always have to conform to those in order to please the crowd. But should you? By no means. The crowd will never remember you. Live following your faith.
2.“No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change” by Barbara de Angelis.
I love the quote. Your attitude and thoughts of happiness bring you the very happiness into your life. When you learn to enjoy the life that God has given you and expect much greater things looking through the eyes of faith into the coming future you will be happy every single day of your life.
3. "Can anything be sadder than a life of a human in this night? His life is so long and death unexpected and sudden" by V. Macernis.
4. “Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined” by Henry David Thoreau.
We learn from the past, but we do not live in it (if we are going forward). Dreams are to be pursued in order to live a better life. Your confidence will help you to do it.
5. "Life - life imprisonment" by J. Turin.
6. "Do not pay too much attention to opinions, for they do change at the slightest wind of change. It is you that live your life, not others" by Vytas Zilenas.
7. "The more you plan, the less time you have to enjoy life itself" author unknown.
8. “Without some goal and some effort to reach it, no one can live” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Either we exist or we live. You cannot live if you do not have a goal. Likewise you cannot live if you do not go after the goal that you have set. Both things are necessary to live a territory of existence and join the territory of living.
9. "It is better real foolishness, than a pretended intellect" author unknown.
10. “Intellectual growth should commence at
birth and cease only at death” by Albert Einstein.
11. "Our life may not be full of happiness all the time, but it can always be full of love" author unknown.
12. “Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today” by James Dean.
13. “In love, it is better to know and be disappointed, than to not know and always wonder” unknown author.
14. “The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live” by Flora Whittemore.
15. “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?” Luke 9: 25 (New International Version).
I am a Christian and I believe there will be the final Judgment. Some souls will be saved and souls will be lost. Whatever you gained in this life you will have to leave it behind. The only thing that you will be able to take is your faith in the Savior. If you do not have it, you will be lost forever. Ask Him to forgive you now and your soul will never be lost but after physical death will come to your Savior. No guru or religious teacher yet died for the sins of his followers. Jesus did, accept the gift and start enjoying the joys of eternal life now.
Hope you liked the best life quotes. The list will be expanded in the nearest future. God bless you.
See also:
Nice thoughts
Good thoughts