Friday, May 20, 2011

Thought for the day 20th of May 2011

Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it” by Joe Clark. 

The author of the quote does not say here that we shouldn’t acknowledge our defeats. We do lose and to tell the truth it happens very often. A path to victory is to admit defeat when you have one. That’s when you stop and think why you had it and what you can do in order to win next time. This kind of mentality will bring you victory in the end. That’s how we learn. After falling we pick ourselves up and think what to do next time in order to have a different outcome.

However, we should never identify ourselves with defeat. We should never consider ourselves losers. You cannot take losing as your identity for it will really make you one. Our mental identity forces us to become people we associate ourselves with. If you see yourself as a failure you will become a failure even if you are not one now. Mistakes, failures and defeat are not causes for you to beat yourself, lose self confidence and self esteem. They simply teach you how to live. But they should not become reasons for you to humiliate yourself and consider yourself to be a loser. No, see yourself as a winner and you will become one.

Read my previous post:

It takes efforts to find both joy and sorrow