Monday, March 14, 2011

Positive attitude tips 2

I am going to continue the topic of positive attitude tips on the ‘thought for today’ blog today. Yesterday I gave you a few tips on how to strengthen your positive thinking and I am going to give you a few more now. Here we go:

Constantly remind yourself good things that have happened in your life. When problems come we tend to concentrate on them. We should actually do the opposite. Remember how you were able to solve this or that problem, remember how you succeeded doing something, and remember how you won. Remember, remember, remember all the good stuff that happened in your life. This will help you to stay on the positive wave. 

Help other people to see the bright side in life. By doing this you will reinforce your positive outlook towards the world. You cannot feel happy by concentrating only on your life, your happiness, your family, your job. Egoism makes us unhappy. I believe that everybody of us is called to help others to achieve happiness. By doing that we achieve it ourselves! 

Set up goals and pursue them. You cannot have positive attitude if you do not have any goals. If you do not have any goals your positive attitude cannot have direction and if it does not have any direction, it simply loses strength and when it loses strength you slowly fall back to old negative thinking. So, set up your goals.

Keep an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful to God, family, friends and etc. for all the good things that have happened in your life. Start the day by remembering what you have and thanking God for that. Just by doing that you will become a happy person! If you cannot do it spontaneously, you can make a list of those things. Then express your gratitude on a daily basis. 

I hope you enjoyed the post and found at least one thing useful thing for yourself. Have a nice day. See you tomorrow.

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Positive attitude tips